The Mills Act

Disclaimer. This page’s copy and content is primarily sourced from Anaheim’s Mills Act Program webpage.

What is it? 

The Mills Act is a state law enacted in 1972 (and amended in 1984) that grants local governments the authority to directly implement a historic preservation program.  This legislation provides for reduced property taxes on eligible historic properties if the owner agrees to maintain and preserve the property. In effect the Mills Act serves as an economic incentive to owners to preserve their historic properties for the benefit of the entire community.

For more information on the the city’s historic preservation efforts, email


The Benefits

Aside from the bragging rights of having a home that meet the Mills Act standards, homeowners involved with this voluntary program can expect:

  • A reduction in your annual property tax bill. Current participants have received up to a 70% reduction.

  • Marketability of their home as a historic property because the lower tax rate is passed on to the future owner.

  • The plaque. This can be seen up and down the streets of the historic neighborhoods. Participating home owners will receive this during a ceremony alongside other recipients for that calendar year. (It’s surprisingly heavy)


Want more information?

Visit Anaheim’s Mills Act Program webpage for further information on the program’s details, if your home is eligible, and how to begin the process.


Mills Act Colony Calendar

Request a copy of the this year’s calendar, showcasing a small portion of Anaheim’s every growing Mills Act home community.